Unlock Your Career Potential. Gain Recognition. Find Fulfilment.

Without Reinventing Yourself.

by confidently showcasing your talents, cultivating trust-based relationships and strategically expanding your impact across your company and beyond


Only 15% of employees feel fulfilled and engaged in their jobs. Are you one of them?

During my 15-year journey in corporate leadership, I’ve encountered many exceptional professionals who, despite their achievements, still felt unfulfilled, uncertain and unclear about their career paths. 

And, when I interviewed them, it turned out that most of them: 

Struggled to identify what their unique career journey should be and feared making wrong career choices

Didn't feel confident in showcasing their talents and lacked skills to help themselves stand out

Found it challenging to be in difficult conversations and wished they had a better toolkit for influential communication

Wished they had more energy, less stress and a better work-life balance

If you resonate with any of the statements above, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way.

What if, instead…

You had a crystal clear vision and a strategy for your career path

You knew what drives you and makes you stand out as a professional and leader

You had the confidence and the skillset to self-advocate and create relationships that support your growth

You had more energy, time and joy in both: your work and your personal life

Ready to unlock  it all for yourself?
Then I invite you to empower your career with my step-by-step

Career Mastery Accelerator

premium hybrid course 

6 in-depth modules

+ hands-on practical exercises
+ exclusive bonuses
+ two 1:1 power coaching sessions with personalized guidance
+ unlimited support

+ elite digital suite
Here’s the full roadmap to designing your work path on your own terms. Explore the journey that will empower you to take control of your career and success. Your transformation starts here!

Career Mastery Accelerator is the game-changing step-by-step formula you need


Confidently Showcase Your Value: Learn to articulate your worth, stand out, and thrive on your terms

Skyrocket Self-Esteem and Expand Impact: Enhance your communication skills and confidently influence others

Master how to handle Career Uncertainty with Confidence: Find clarity and confidence in charting your future career direction

Find Purpose and Clarity: Align your work with your strengths, desires, and values, discover true purpose

Identify Your Unique Path to Career Fulfilment: Discover success, joy and recognition - without the need to reinvent yourself or switch jobs

If you’ve been on trainings – only to discover that generic advice does not work for you, switched jobs – only to find yourself in suspiciously similar situations where something’s missing, or tried your best to sell your ideas or inspire others – only to recognize that there’s still no real engagement…then it’s time to equip yourself with personalized science-based strategies that WORK.

Kind Words from Other Career Masters

“It has been a truly transformative experience. Besides all the practical tips, it has helped me finally put the puzzle pieces together and see what has really been holding me back. I’ve seen the value of taking small steps and feel that it’s up to me to choose and walk my own path – while prioritizing movement over perfectionism.”

Aleks, Sales Executive

“I’ve delved deeper into myself and discovered what truly drives me and what my journey is. I’ve learnt to strategise, putting myself and my goals first. I feel more empowered with the tools and techniques to handle different situations in my life confidently and strategically. I found the 1:1 sessions to be very valuable.”

Jana, Key Account Manager

“Each module of the Career Mastery course is packed with so much value that it could be a stand-alone course on its own. Some of the techniques taught were eye-opening for me. I’ve been actively applying them, and they do work! I feel I’ve become a better speaker and presenter.”

Dmitri, Product Owner

What’s included?

Career Mastery ACCELERATOR is a 6-week, intensive, in-depth course designed to help talented professionals, just like you, rediscover fulfilment and reignite your inner drive at work while accelerating your career growth. The program provides you with all the essential tools and strategies to boost your confidence, influence, and impact in just 6 short weeks – or even faster since you set the pace! It’s your key to being heard, recognized, and appreciated.  You’ll receive unlimited personal support to help you develop a holistic toolkit of skills to thrive, both now and in the future. 

Accelerated Career Mastery

Six dynamic modules that provide you with essential strategies, techniques, and practices to thrive in your career and continuously stay ahead of the curve.

Study at your own pace and receive LIVE support through on-demand Q&A sessions.

Personal strategy and behavioural portrait

Lumina Spark in-depth behavioural portrait to understand your strengths, hidden potential, communication and leadership styles, and much more. Step-by-step guidance to determine your best course and steps.

Spark Coach

Lifetime access to virtual Spark Coach to sustain your growth and support your ongoing self-development.

Personalized 1-on-1 Power Coaching

Two 1-on-1 Power Coaching sessions to quantum leap your progress with personalized tailored guidance.

Unlimited access to me through email for continuous support and feedback.


Secret Techniques to speed read people and effectively adjust your communication patterns.

Splash App

Lifetime access to Splash app, interactively illustrating your key strengths and main traits. Your personal Map of Greatness, in the palm of your hand.

Six Modules For Success

Explore the six modules that shape you career.

Module 1

Unleashing Your Potential

Module 2

Magnetic Personal Branding

Module 3

Empowering Relationships

Module 4

Thriving in Harmony

Module 5

Leadership Amplified

Module 6

Unstoppable Resilience

Join the Career Mastery Accelerator and change your future.

Hey there, I’m Katarina.

I’m Katarina Koik, your performance coach. I’m a certified Lumina Learning practitioner and a former leader in banking finance.

During my 15-year journey in corporate leadership, I’ve encountered many exceptional professionals who, despite their achievements, still felt unfulfilled and were not reaching their true potential.

Through my extensive exploration of personal development, including participation in top coaching programs, courses, qualifications and relevant literature, I’ve made a crucial realization: the barriers we face often have little to do with our skills, abilities, or expertise. Instead, they are linked to our self-confidence, communication skills, and our internal perception of what is possible for us.

Excellence isn’t solely about hard work; it’s about aligning your work with your inner drive. Furthermore, it’s not merely a journey between job roles and companies, but also a journey within yourself.

As your guide, I am dedicated to empowering talented professionals like you to rediscover fulfillment and reignite your inner drive at work. Together, we’ll accelerate your career growth by deepening your self-awareness, mastering self-expression, and strategically building relationships that amplify your impact. Let’s get started!

It’s time to take control of your career. Your future is in your hands.

Investment Options





After completing the payment, you’ll receive a welcome email and an invitation to the Lumina Spark questionnaire. Follow the guidelines and we’ll soon meet in person on our first 1-on-1 Power Coaching Session.

Let’s create the future you desire!

Ready to embark on your journey to career mastery?