
to discover what you’re truly capable of

and unlock the next level in your  career, business and life

to live at your peak

How would it feel…

If you woke up every morning feeling excited and fulfilled

If you felt unshakeably calm, focused and confident

If you had enough time, energy and freedom to do the things you love

If you had clarity, strategy and tools for achieving your goals

If you lived a life at your full potential being the best you can

Yet, for most of us reality is different

% of workers feel uncommitted to their jobs

% of employees have experienced burnout

% of workers feel engaged and fulfilled in their jobs

% of people make their New Years’ resolutions a reality

The thing is, we often mistake high performance for working harder and having more things on the to-do list

So when we lack a sense of fulfillment or get stuck in business or life, then we naturally tend to work and push ourselves harder…until we get overwhelmed, anxious, burnout and drained out of energy. Yet not reaching anywhere.

We keep doing the same thing…while expecting a different result. And that’s not the way it works.

As a performance and success coach, long-time banking leader, 6-figure project manager and certified Lumina Learning practitioner, I’ve seen it too often…and I have been there too.

For 15 years in the banking I used to rely on my strengths and proven performance strategies while building a successful leadership career…seeing many talented experienced professionals working WAY below their true potential. I thought I knew it all. Until I decided to become an entrepreneur. That’s where I got stuck. And finally saw the truth.

The top 1 reason we get stuck when pursuing greater fulfillment or results is because

what got us from point A to point B will not get us from point B to C

You see, intellectually I knew how to start a business. Yet I was stuck.

It took me 5 coaches, multiple self-growth programs, countless hours of research and self-reflection to figure out what was stopping me. It was not lack of knowledge, experience or skills. It was self-doubt, fear of unknown and “analysis paralysis”. With the socially conditioned desire to fit in, on top. The very same “package” that stops every transformation out there and keeps many of us playing small and living below our potential.

It’s not about learning. We oftentimes don’t need more courses, qualifications or certifications. What we really need is to UNlearn the patterns and behaviours that are not benefitting us any more. And that’s exactly what I did to break free and finally live what I know…and created the Peak Performance Mastery, so that you could, too.



The top 1 performance program combining world-class practical strategies with the game-changing innovative psychometrics

This premium program is created for the ambitious leaders and entrepreneurs to help them unlock their full potential and become the productivity ninjas while building a life of more fulfilment, joy and freedom.
Because it’s not about working harder or smarter.
It’s about designing an integrated life on your own terms and knowing that you’ve given it your all.

It is designed to:

help you become the best you can, unleash your power to BE more and achieve more

create more time, energy and freedom to do the things you love

get crystal clear on your personal inner drive and purpose

integrate powerful routines to win your day, week...and life

bypass the blockers and internal limitations and achieve your goals, no matter how BIG

When was the last time you felt truly fulfilled and excited about your downright awesome life?
If you have been working hard, doing all the right things, following your to-do lists, yet wondering: “Is this all there is?” and “Is this all I’m capable of?”…then it is time for a change.
Here’s how the 12-week Performance Program

takes you to your peak

  • self-awareness


  • Defining the path to your next level fulfilment & success
  • Leveraging your key strengths and natural talents
  • Uncovering your hidden treasures and full potential
  • Finding your Sweet Spot in business or career
  • Discovering the secret stoppers sabotaging your success
  • self-expression


  • Collaborating effortlessly to achieve more. Together.
  • Expanding your impact by harnessing power of Connection
  • Removing the cap from what you can achieve and creating a “super bounce” in your results
  • Rocking difficult conversations and interactions
  • Becoming the leader to follow without a title or authority
  • self-discipline


  • Finding the inner drive and sourcing your energy
  • Implementing the game-changing habits to maintain momentum
  • Integrating small tweaks to your routines to win your day, week…and life
  • Levelling up your productivity game to accomplish more in less time
  • Honing your focus and attention to navigate the life journey on your own terms
  • self-regulation


  • Designing your personal “Journey to Composure”
  • Turning risks, pitfalls and challenges into success stories
  • Bypassing the blockers and inner limitations
  • Mastering the “Mental Aikido” to become the unshakeably calm version of yourself
  • Rewiring your mind to spot opportunities and thrive continuously. Now and then.
If you are ready to

take the steering wheel of life into your own hands

and explore more

What’s included?

Time is your most valuable resource. That’s why Peak Performance Mastery is designed to give you all the essential tools and strategies to achieve your peak performance in just 12 short weeks. You’ll have the unlimited personal support to help you develop the 4 S-skills: self-awareness, self-expression, self-discipline, and self-regulation. The truth is, there’s no need to spend years on self-improvement when with science-backed personalised strategies you can achieve lasting change quickly and effectively. Moreover, with the elite digital suite, you’ll have access to all the tools and resources you need to succeed, no matter where you are. Because this program is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.


10 weekly power coaching sessions via Zoom or Teams. First session is 90-minutes and the following are 60-minutes each.

World-class performance strategies

Game-changing strategies and tactical steps tailored to your specific needs to master your emotions, self-expression, productivity and self-awareness. To quantum leap your results and start living at your peak.

Personal behavioural portrait

Lumina Spark in-depth behavioural portrait (40 pages), incl your natural and learnt strengths, communication and leadership preferences, behaviour under pressure and more.

Continuous Support

Access to me in between sessions via e-mail and Voxer.

Splash app

Lifetime access to Splash app, interactively illustrating your key strengths and main traits. Your personal Map of Greatness, in the palm of your hand.

Spark Coach

Lifetime access to virtual Spark Coach to support your continuous self-development after the end of our engagement.

+ Bonuses

 Exclusively for the Peak Performers

Word of mouth from across the globe

“Katarina is truly inspirational and amazing guide through the path to fulfilment of the set goals. She is understanding and compassionate and structured in a way that you truly feel and see the progress you are doing. My confidence and performance have skyrocketed, and I am forever grateful for being able to work with her.”

Urška Plavčak

“I considered myself pretty self-aware. Or so I thought. Katarina has brought new awareness to my behavioural traits. I saw my blind spots and gained insights to develop my lower-used qualities. And, most of all, I feel empowered to let new thinking emerge and to take new actions!”

Cathy Black

“Combining visionaire mentality with the executor skillset, Katarina is naturally very positive, active person with a sharp and quick way of thinking. Teaming up with her enables to solve all kind of issues and reach truly outstanding results. Thank you for being my mentor!”

Jana Silin-Faccio

How Do I know If This is For Me?

Peak Performance Mastery is for the ambitious professionals and entrepreneurs:

who know that they are meant for more and are ready to uncover what they are capable of

who are ready to boost their productivity and performance to achieve greater results while having more time to do the things they love

who are willing to go after the things they truly want instead of taking what's given

who are willing to commit to self-growth now to unlock their next level success and design the future they’ve always wanted

who are tired of trying one generic course after another and are craving for a real "no-fluff" strategy to transform their lives, one step at a time

If that’s you, then I’m just 1 click away. 
What if this won’t work for me?

I feel your doubts. You see, high performers are not born this way, they have adopted certain key habits and attitudes bringing them on top of the game. Moreover, it is now scientifically proven that peak performance has nothing to do with your personality, gender, race, age, business or career choices. It means…as long as you are ready and willing, you can have it all too. To make the transformation even faster we will personalize the strategies that will work specifically for you using the innovative psychometrics.

Will it help me in my specific circumstance?

There are certain common principles which drive performance regardless of the field or circumstance. Whether you are about to take next step in your career, accomplish challenging project, kick-off or expand your business, uplift your relationships or just want to get out of the self-sabotaging patterns and feel that you have enough time for all the important things in your life…there are practices that will lead you to success.  Now, not to overwhelm you with all the strategies we hand-pick the ones which fit you the most. Based on your goal and your personal behavioural portrait.

Why do we cover the sales strategies in the program?

Ultimate Performance Mastery is about uplifting your performance and achieving greater results with less time. However, what I’ve seen over the years is that most of us tend to settle for less than we deserve because of one simple reason. We are scared of being rejected and getting NO as an answer. That’s where art of selling steps in. Once you know the exact strategies and tips to sell effortlessly and confidently…you’ll get courage to ask for what you really want..and finally get that long-awaited promotion, ideal clients for your business or capital for your brand-new idea.

What kind of psychometrics is used in Performance Mastery?

We use Lumina Spark, cutting-edge innovative development solution created by Dr Steward Desson based on his revolutionary Phd research in business psychology and psychometrics. By combining certain elements of Big 5 and Jungian lens, Lumina Spark allows you to measure your “Three Personas” – the underlying you, the everyday you and the overextended you. In performance context, this is an amazing X-ray like tool revealing all your 24 strengths and hidden potential at a glance.

What are the payments options?

Both one-off and installment payments options are available. Contact us to find out the best fit for you.

What happens next?

Next, book a free call with Katarina to get more insights on the Ultimate Performance Mastery Program and all the ways it can help you in reaching your big goals.

You can’t just HOPE to be at the top of you game

You need to take a real step.
Don’t let your busy schedule hold you back from achieving your dreams.

Why now?

Peak performance is now more crucial than ever since competition in employment market and businesses gets fiercer by the minute. You might or might not be the CEO of your company, but you are in any case the CEO of your life. Your results are limited by your own personal growth. That’s the place where lies the key to your next level success.

Considering our average daily limit is just

hours of peak-mental focus

hours of relatively high focus

would you choose to spend it continuously spinning your wheels in the same direction or would you jump right on the opportunity to improve your navigation …and quantum leap your results with the proven science-backed strategies?

You do not have to settle

You are just 1 step away from living at your peak

and you are the only one who can take it