Katarina Koik


Performance & Success Coach


Leader in Banking Finance


Lumina Learning Practitioner


“I believe that we are meant to thrive not struggle throughout life. High performance is not about working harder. It’s about owning your life, taking conscious actions and following your purpose.”

It’s all about tiny tweaks, “adjustments”, as finance people call them. Small changes which can make a huge difference.

Ready to find out how to adjust the communication to thrive in any circumstance?

No complex techniques, just tiny tweaks!

Helping You Uncover Your Full Potential

Step forward with Career, Business & Life

There is no need to settle for mediocrity. Because with the right strategies your goals are within your reach. With no overwhelm. No overwork. No overconcern.

Are you…

Spinning your wheels without reaching anywhere?

Stuck in career or business?

Being anxious about not having enough time?

Lacking energy, motivation and decisiveness?

Feeling alone and not being supported in your initiatives?

Feeling guilty about choosing work over life or the opposite?

Tired of operating in "people pleasing" or "fighting" modes?

You’re in the right place!

Following Result-Driven Philosophy and the Bigger WHY

During 15 years in the banking I have been leading international teams, massive cutting-edge technology projects, financial transformation and optimization journeys. Having a strong reputation in corporate world for getting things done I’ve always been results-driven. While my responsibilities and deliveries grew bigger, the sense of fulfilment got behind…

That’s when I realized that I was pursuing someone else’s dream of being a “successful banker” instead of my own “bigger WHY” which apparently extended way beyond finances and BI. I wanted to help thousands of individuals and teams tap on their own ultimate performance to fully rule their careers, businesses and lives. With no compromises.

I’ve been always curious why…

some brilliant minds spend years in the positions beneath their potential

some of the most hard-working individuals end up being burnout instead of promoted

some of the greatest teams underperform due to lack of synergy and connectedness

some are in constant search of the "life-work" balance

The recipe for the Ultimate Performance was not born overnight. During more than a decade I’ve test-driven almost every performance technique out there while successfully moving up the career ladder, traveling the world with my husband and raising 3 kids. Generic productivity tips and “cheer-up and boost your energy” kind of advice did not work for me nor for my teams long-term. However, there were certain practices which did their job and kept me at top of the game each time.

I wanted the world to benefit from them too. I knew after many years in people management that the working approach is always the one which is personalized and considers the uniqueness of each individual. 

Therefore, I’ve decided to blend the hand-picked performance strategies with innovative psychometrics. That’s how the game-changing tailor-made Performance Mastery methodology for individuals and teams was born.

Living what You Know

When I decided to follow my purpose and become and entrepreneur I got stuck. Intellectually I knew how to start a business. Yet I did not live what I knew.

It took me 5 coaches, multiple self-growth programs, countless hours of research and self-reflection to figure out what was stopping me. 

It was not lack of time, knowledge or experience. It was the very same thing which stops every transformation out there – fear of uncertainty, self-doubts and feeling that I am not good enough. Once I cleared it out there was just 1 thing left.

To finally become a successful Entrepreneur I had to drop a handful of skills & mindsets that were not benefitting me any more. That’s when I started living what I know.  And you can, too.

If you are eager for more and ready to take action

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Living What You Know. Today.